

Come and listen to valuable and interesting information.

In this series of webinars you will find useful and interesting information for your finances.

Valuable information

My educational webinars are for people who are serious about creating wealth and keeping it in the family.

One seminar is titled, “Why You Should Never Participate in Your Employer’s Qualified Plan or Any Other Government Sponsor Qualified Plan”.

The results

It shares the story of a 401k over a 31 year of working assuming the employee earns 6% annually without ever have a down year, a tax bracket of 22% without ever having an increase in his taxes, a 2% management fee with an employer match of 50% up to $3,000 added each year of employment. The results are starling.

The next seminar is on the eight questions
most financial advisors never ask a client and they are:


Do you know what rate of return you must earn on your current investments to sustain your current lifestyle after you retire?


Do you know how much you need to be saving right now to fund your retirement years?


Is your retirement account insured from market losses, fees, and commissions?


Customisable PortfoHow long will you have to continue working after your ideal retirement date?lios


Have you factored inflation into your retirement calculations?


Are your assets protected from Probate and other outside predators?


Do you know how to become Tax-Free instead of the Perfect Tax Payor?


what hobbies or other lifestyle pleasures will you be required to surrender to insure that you never run out of money during your lifetime?

About Questions

These are very fundamental and important questions people who are wanting to create retirement accounts need to understand.
You will find a webinar on the infinite banking concept, another webinar on lost opportunity cost, and another webinar on a family’s maximum income potential.

Educationals Webinars

I also have a webinar for people who have their retirement money in low interest bearing certificates of deposit.
These webinars strictly educational and I hope they will help replace traditional thinking with a better understanding of personal and business finances.