Privatized Family Banking

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You need to read chapter 5

Pages 55-82 of Tommy’s book.

Privatized Family Banking (PFB), aka Infinite Banking, was created by R. Nelson Nash decades ago and is based on the principle that you finance everything you buy.

You will pay cash and give up the opportunity to earn interest, or you borrow money and pay out interest to someone else. What you will discover in this chapter runs against the conventional wisdom of most uniformed accountants, life insurance companies, nearly all the TV and radio gurus and probably everything your parents, friends, and neighbors believe.

However, I ask that you put on your blindfolders and your earplugs. After reading this chapter, decide the truth for yourself. This is one of the best-kept secrets in the financial services industry.

You need to understand that transfers and lifestyle consume every dollar not saved. Once a dollar is spent, it is gone forever! When you think about this concept, you realize that there are no exceptions to the rule.

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