This is Misguided Wisdom – Thinking Minus Logic!

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You need to read page 42 of Tommy’s book.

Maybe the mainstream-investing world wasn’t the best route for him. Maybe it wasn’t the best for anyone. Jack gained new energy as he resolved to find a better way. A way where there is no risk of market loss, but where he wouldn’t have to give up growth potential either.

A way that didn’t suffer the impact of fees and commissions and a way that was Tax-Free! Could there be such a strategy? There is, and it’s been hiding in plain sight for decades. The “World’s Way” will not be Jack’s way anymore.

How about you? Again, I want to thank James L. Beattey for his hard work in developing this amazing story showing you how market losses, fees, and taxes are robbing your retirement account. If you have stayed with me to this point, you’ve done what most people won’t do, and that’s to invest your time to become enlightened.

The educational material I am sending to you can have a dramatic effect on your financial future. Only a well-designed financial strategy can give you peace of mind when it comes to your economic destiny. No product can compete with a well-thought-out, customized financial strategy.

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